Evidently I am not alone in bemoaning the waifish state of male models in the fashion industry. Guy Trebay at the NY Times noticed, too.

When Fabulous Fashion and the Real World collide, Style Spy is there
Evidently I am not alone in bemoaning the waifish state of male models in the fashion industry. Guy Trebay at the NY Times noticed, too.
You’re Genius!
Darling! You’re so well versed in the fabulousness of fashion that you could easily hold your own in the most famous fashion circles, and perhaps you even flit among them. As the all-knowing one who can spot a LV knock-off from blocks away, your friends surely look to you for style advice. Send your resume to Anna Wintour. She’d be lucky to have you. Or, just browse some new finds that should be on your shopping list.
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