After that World of No I battered you with the other day, I figured I'd bring on some definite yesses to send you into your weekend. Enjoy!
Oh, veryvery yes. I want this dress so badly that it is taking an act of sheer, supreme, teeth-gritting willpower not to order it. It's even in my size. ::sigh:: (Although my birthday is coming in a mere 4 months, in case anyone is looking for gift ideas...)
Have a great weekend, everyone!!

Love the bracelet, but I can't help thinking Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer when I look at those shoes.
Deja -- that caused me to snort coffee out of my nose. Which is not chic.
Size 4?!?
; )
Oh, and I love those shoes and am now in love with that bracelet too!
Dang you!
I was loving the shoes until I read deja pseu's comment - I still like them actually but now I also find them amusing.
That dress is the stuff of dreams. And dream I shall until I move out of the post-college doldrums into gainful employment.
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