And now, without further ado, some of the more wonderful of the white dresses I stumbled across on the interwebs.
Actually ivory rather than white, but who am I to quibble with Christian Dior?
This is wool, so it's really not a summer dress, but it's Jil Sander and it's stunning and it's crazy on sale and if you get it now you'll have it for the fall, when you can wear it with a snappy black jacket and a beautiful pair of boots.

So-perfect Marni cotton sateen. Doesn't that look cool and fresh? I want to wear that every day this summer.

Amazing deal on this dress from Armani Jeans. Unlined white linen, but I think you wouldn't have any trouble with a slip under there.
Now. What do I want to wear with my white dress? Well, I'll tell ya. This summer I am all about the white dress with the big chunky shoe, preferably black patent. I'm just really digging the contrast right now.
Fantastic. These will go with everything, and the price is amazing.
These are not patent, but they're cute. They're also Naturalizer, which means they're affordable and very comfy.
Fendi Juicy Heel Peep Toe Sandal
Fierce, fabulous Fendi. I've been having a little bit of a thing for Fendi lately, I'm not sure why.
Fierce, fabulous Fendi. I've been having a little bit of a thing for Fendi lately, I'm not sure why.
These shoes? Are badass. Love 'em.
And one more thing I'd like to wear with my white dress:
And one more thing I'd like to wear with my white dress:
Fendi Forever Cuff
I do love a cuff, and here's that Fendi thing again. I'm really not a logo/label person, but I have always liked the Fendi logo for its symmetrical geometry. And it's not so obvious as, say, the Louis Vuitton pattern or the Chanel double Cs. I just find it cool. At any rate, this cuff comes in several different colors, including a really fabulous gold, and I want all of 'em.
So which of these lovely items will Style Spy be purchasing? you might be asking. The answer is a whopping great big none of them. I have taken a good look through my closet and decided that I have more than enough to keep me busy through the summer, so I am officially on a No Buy. I'm going to cut myself some slack for things like underduds and some running clothes, and there is a wedding coming up in October that I'm going to need a really fabulous dress for, but (with those exceptions) as of Monday -- No. More. Shopping. The Luxury Tithe is becoming a travel fund, and I am getting my backside to Paris in the fall if I have to go hungry three nights a week to do it. I'm relying on my friends and readers to keep me honest -- if you think I might be starting to crack, that temptation may be proving too much for me, remind me that much more than I need a new dress I need to stand on the Pont Neuf and breathe in the smell of the wind coming off the Seine.
But that doesn't mean you can't shop. So, go!! Do it!!
So which of these lovely items will Style Spy be purchasing? you might be asking. The answer is a whopping great big none of them. I have taken a good look through my closet and decided that I have more than enough to keep me busy through the summer, so I am officially on a No Buy. I'm going to cut myself some slack for things like underduds and some running clothes, and there is a wedding coming up in October that I'm going to need a really fabulous dress for, but (with those exceptions) as of Monday -- No. More. Shopping. The Luxury Tithe is becoming a travel fund, and I am getting my backside to Paris in the fall if I have to go hungry three nights a week to do it. I'm relying on my friends and readers to keep me honest -- if you think I might be starting to crack, that temptation may be proving too much for me, remind me that much more than I need a new dress I need to stand on the Pont Neuf and breathe in the smell of the wind coming off the Seine.
But that doesn't mean you can't shop. So, go!! Do it!!

Ooh, I really love that last Jil Sander and the "short dress" (who designs it?) Too bad I am also on a no-buy.
Oh my lord, the Charles David Guru shoes have won my heart. Alas, I can't afford them...I might have splurged but I'm leaving on a vacation in Prague and Vienna and that has priority. Oh, but they're lovely!
I love those Jil Sander white dresses too! Stylespy, I am wearing your Ellen Tracy dress to work today! All my co-workers think it's gorgeous! I am sorry I have not sent pics yet, but I will get some taken & to you soon, I haven't forgotten...this is the first time I've worn the dress to work..I have sheer black tights with it, black ballet flats with a little bow, silver hoop earrings and a brown/black/silver hardware leopard skin belt with it...looks great!
Thanks again..and I know you will get to Paris!!
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