I'm being taken out to dinner for my birthday tomorrow, and I have a dilemma -- the most delicious sort of dilemma, of course:
(Because I've already decided what I'm having for dessert.)
Since I don't have any new clothes that I'm specifically dying to wear, the outfit will begin with the shoes, as it so often does. And who better to help me chooz my shooz than my tasteful readers? Have narrowed it down (!!!) to the following:
Manolo Dianamus. Oh, they are things of beauty.

Red satin Valentinos, that make my feet glow.

Nude leather & snake Atwoods, so terribly chic.

Mmmmmm, sparkly. Blue sequined Armanis.

The new kids on the block -- glorious turquoise Fendis.

Delicate, elegant, classic gold & crystal Manolos.

Beloved old favorite silk Guccis. They go with everything!

YSL stars. I will never get tired of these shoes.

Red Manolo Dodos. Probably the sexiest sandals I own.

Big ol' Marni platforms -- still rocking my world.
Wow. Thank you for indulging my little exercise in shoe porn. That was a lot of fun -- redhead has some good shoes, doesn't she? Also helpful in reminding me that no, I don't really need to shop -- I have a closet filled with wonderful goodies.
So visit the poll at the top of the page and chooz my shooz!!
Photos: Style Spy

Since I am not sure were you are going out to dinner . I pick three Red sexy Manolos dolos,next Manolo Dianamao's but then you will always match the crystal Manolos . Or I can be a enabler and you can run out and buy a new pr. LOL (No)
Have a great evening Katie
Wicked, wicked enabling Katie!! ;-) Going to try to resist... maybe I'll indulge in a new lipgloss or something less cost-intensive.
I voted for the blue ones... because I want them.
r -- I happen to know they're not your size. Or else I'd be nervous.
Happy Birthday!
Please don't wear those Valentino's! They are a work of art and you know if the silk got a pick in you would want to die!
I love that Manolo Dianamus, they are to die for!
Why not pack 2 or 3 pairs -you've got 'em!- wear an LBD and change shoes with each course/flight?
Although my personal favorite to look at are probably the valentino's, I had to vote for the YSL stars because they look so celebratory!! If you don't wear them for your birthday, you must wear them on New Year's Eve!
--BTW, I don't know for sure what size I wear in Manolos, YSL or Valentino's but sz 39 Pradas fit me perfectly. So if that should happen to be your size and you ever start cleaning out your shoe closet. . .it's only 4 hours from where I live to Austin-haha!!
Happy Birthday!!! Here's one vote for the Valentino's. They are (IMO) peerless.
Oh my freakin' gawd. That is too much fabulousness for one person.
I vote for the YSL stars, since you should be a star on your birthday.
Have a great one, Style Spy!
For your birthday there is shoe envy all around. Enjoy your birthday...and your shoes.
Have a wonderful day--Happy Birthday!
Hey Leo-Twin-Star!
I say the red Valentino's. You're feet SHOULD glow! I'm a big fran of red, of satin, of bows.
Don't forget a nice Kir Royale to drink!
Happy Birthday! Much love and may your coming year be filled with good friends, good news and even more good shoes.
From a loyal reader in Malaysia..........
I voted for the Red Dodos because the red is gorgeous on you and the sandal is better for the season than the satin, but my second and third choices are the turquoise Fendis (if it's a funky place) and the platform Marnis.
And I have to say that while I don't have the impressive collection you do (your blog is my fantasy world), I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who starts an outfit with shoes.
And I hope you have a fantastic birthday, of course!
Duchesse -- you are a woman after my own heart. If I thought I could get away with that without my friends disowning me, I just might try it!
Many thanks to all my readers for their kind birthday wishes. I'm not sure I deserve such nice friends, but I'm happy to have you!!
The red Manolos!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
car in utah
Happy Birthday!!!! Sorry I missed the voting on shoes! They are all amazing but I LOVE the Fendi's. The YSL are definitely for NEW YEARS!
I am not with Neiman Marcus any longer. I took a great job with the school district. I am really excited! I am sorry that I will not see you when you shop NMLC however!
I think that they have probably rotated the clearance this last week so if there was something you were watching go get it!!!!!
What did you wear for your birthday?
Stop it - you're killing me with all of this shoe porn goodness. Sigh. When I die I want to come back as your shoe collection.
Wear them well :-)
I found the Manolo Dianamus at Filene's Basement on clearance in another color...and wept over them, for they were not my size. I will be obsessed with these shoes forever, thanks to you.
Also, I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday! Your blog is such a favorite of mine.
I'm a bit late on this - but Happy Birthday nonetheless. Just wanted to let you know that the shoes are unspeakable beautiful! All of them!
I am in love with your shoes. My heart started racing.NWUIA
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