Sometimes your friend Style Spy isn't very bright. And sometimes she gets lucky & figures stuff out. To wit:
I bought this Alice + Olivia blouse... oh, a while ago. Months. Longer.
and I've never worn it. I bought it because it was down to nothing at the NM outlet and I liked the way it fit and I liked the lace and thought it would be a great layering piece. But I never wore it because of those sleeeeeeeeeves.
That is a lot of sleeve. It's pretty and all, but really not my thing. I'm way too grown up for that whole Stevie Nicks/Renn Faire thing (Hear ye, hear ye! If ye can legally rent ye olde automobile, ye are too old for princess clothes!!); not to mention you can only wear this if you know you're not going to be eating anything, and who wants to limit herself like that?

So the top has been languishing in the closet all this time. I've put it on a few times & tried to make it work, but it just never did.
In the meantime, I've fallen for this lovely, from Balmain.

I don't like to jump on the All-Worship-Balmain bandwagon, but I do really love that lace t-shirt.
So. Inspired by some excellent D.I.Y. I've been seeing on some of my favorite blogs, like Garance Dore's, I had lightning bolt and realized how to solve both of these dilemmas in one stroke:

And the result:

Muuuuuch better, wouldn't you agree? Pretty, stylish, and useful! I do feel a wee twinge about the loss of all that pretty lace, but I'll hang onto it. It'll make for a lovely pocket square or something. I also think I'm going to go back & shorten the sleeves just a bit more -- this length is just not... quite.
It was the right thing to do. I've already worn it. I wore the night I did it, as a matter of fact, out for a glass (who are we kidding, a bottle) of wine with a friend.

Images: Style Spy,,, Vogue

You are beyond crafty, my lacy friend! Sooo much better. You are so right about the princess clothes. Adn the eating. You have made the right decision - you'll never miss those sleeves. Although I agree - get a bit more vicious with the scissors and shorten those sleeves even more! Snip snip!
I love it!!! You did the right thing and it looks fantastic.
Good call! Much as I love the gorgeous cuffs, the short sleeves are better. And once you hike them up another few inches, it'll be even better. As for the cuffs, I wonder if it's not possible to fashion them into a little lace jabot or collar?
Excellent fix! You have a great eye. IMO, simpler is always better.
I like the sleeve length where it is now, but if you're going for the Balmain look, go shorter. You still have the arms for it.
I think this was a great move! Nice job!
So sorry about the commenting problem on the new blog. I'm starting to despise Wordpress. If you have time, do you mind sending me an email describing your problem on the Francis blog to me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com? I'm trying to figure out where in the process the error is happening. It's crucial because I'm suppose to migrate MY blog to WordPress and I can't do it if no one can comment!
Perfect! And I like the sleeve length. It's a little different.
I love lace tops! Great, easy DIY. Something even the sewing-challenged (namely ME) can do!
This top looks INFINITELY better now, although you did look pretty damn fine in the lace sleeves (I need posing tips from you). I too love that Balmain lace top, but I don't love it for what it's worth.
Very cute, and I love the outfit, too. :)
"I'm way too grown up for that whole Stevie Nicks/Renn Faire thing (Hear ye, hear ye! If ye can legally rent ye olde automobile, ye are too old for princess clothes!!)"
Love that.
You are crafty indeed
With that much lace at your disposal - I swear there is enough there to make lacy undies. But, now that you have broken through the 'taking scissors to RTW' barrier - the sky's the limit!!
wait, where are the shoulder pads?
Way, way better with the short sleeves. Well done! The sequin vest is so fun, too.
wow, great, great work!
Why not buy some small white or off-white shoulder-pads and cover them in some of the excess lace - a little cutting and stitching will be all it takes... then just sew them to the shoulder seam of your top. Though you should probably do that before you shorten the sleeves any further as it will shorten them a little...
It's crafty, yes.
But as far as personal tastes go, ours are diametrically opposed. I think you took a very pretty blouse and magically rendered it ... ordinary.
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