Good googly-moogly, I'm such a flake! I nearly forgot!! The winner of the drawing for the Style Spy World Fashion Domination challenge is...
Three cheers for Marsi!!
So, here's what you need to do, loyal, prize-winning reader:
1. Choose three of the affiliates from the list on the right side of the blog that you would like to receive a $20 gift certificate from.
2. Send me an e-mail at shine @ austin.rr .com listing them in order of preference.
3. Include your snail mail address so I can send you a little parcel of sample goodies as well.
I have some pretty darned good affiliates listed over there, as you can see, including my two newest: has tons of really, really great contemporary designers who make really, really cool clothes, like this dress from Tibi that I am over the moon for:

I'm still looking for great, easy summer dresses and apparently still being influenced by my visit to the Modern in Ft. Worth. Doesn't that look like a painting? Love!
Another new affiliate:
Yes. Because I am wicked, wicked, wicked and could not resist. Does it have a thing to do with fashion? Absolument pas. So why take them on as an affiliate? Um, because it's chocolate. Do we really need further explanation? I didn't think so...
All right then! Thanks to all who helped me to spread the word about my quest for World Fashion Domination. Our work is not yet done, but rest assured that Style Spy soldiers on!!

Good googly-moogly, I can't believe it! Thanks a million, Style Spy!
I am totally DROOLING over that dress. Would make me look like a giant brick, but I would love to see it on someone else, eg YOU!
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